Friday, June 23, 2006

The Noobs

In general, Matt and I are relatively experienced travelers. We've both traveled rather extensively within the U.S. and have visited both Eastern Europe and Canada. We enjoy traveling and consider ourselves pretty good at it.

However, yesterday we had an extremely noobish (novice) day. We didn't get pick pocketed or anything like that. Instead, we just made silly mistakes.

We should have known our day was going to be like this, when we made our first noobish mistake in the morning. We started our outing by getting on the wrong tube. The London Underground, or tube, is nearly exactly like the Metro in Washington D.C. Yet we still managed to get on the wrong green line. No matter, the problem was easily fixed by just hopping off the tube and catching another one. We just laughed at our mistake.

Then we went to the Churchill Museum and War Cabinet Rooms. By the way, this is a super cool museum that we both highly recommend. Anyway, we were starving by the end of the tour and stopped at the little cafe that is located within the underground bunker, in what was the switch room during WWII. After we were done with our tuna sandwich, we decided to be nice and bus our own table. There was a trash can in the back, so Matt took the tray over to it. Then, without me being able to catch him, he poured the entire tray into the trash. There was a huge ka-clunk-da-klink-ka-klink noise as the contents of the tray went into the trash can. I yelled (as quietly as I could) that there had been a plate and a fork on the tray! We both looked at each other. I'm still laughing at Matt for throwing away the dishes!

Unfortunately for me, it was my turn next to make the noobish move. Following the bathroom signs in one museum, I nearly walked into the men's room (I had the door completely open but then noticed a guy inside, ugh!). And at another museum, I reached for an interesting brochure only to find that it was safely behind glass. It was my turn to make a clunking sound as my hand hit the glass and everyone turned to look at me.

In a way, I'm kind of glad our day of being noobish is over. Today, I hope we leave our noobish ways behind us and become once again the seasoned travelers we think we are.


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