Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Traveler's Prayer

May it be Your will, Lord our G-d and G-d of our ancestors, to guide us in peace, to sustain us in peace, to lead us to our desired destination in health and joy and peace, and to bring us home in peace. Save us from every enemy and disaster on the way, and from all calamities that threaten the world. Bless the work of our hands. May we find grace, love and compassion in Your sight and in the sight of all who see us. Hear our supplication, for You listen to prayer and supplication. Praised are You, Lord who hears prayer.

I added the Traveler's Prayer (Tefilat Ha-Derech) to my Maariv prayers, which I said in the airport. I felt very self-conscious standing up and quietly reciting the evening prayers to myself. I have read morning, afternoon, or evening prayers at the airport or on a plane before but never have I fully tried to stand and bow at the appropriate times. It was quite difficult to maintain an appropriate level of concentration with the numerous conversations going on around me and the regular interruptions of the loud speaker with the regular "This is a security announcement..." telling us to maintain control of our baggage. :(

Well, perhaps in the morning at JFK I'll have a chance to find a quiet place to pray.


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