Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More on Graffiti

Israeli news source Ynet published an article all about the Am Yisrael Chai graffiti all over Tel Aviv, as was reflected in my earlier post. It even has a photo of the same graffiti that I have a photo of.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Am Yisrael Chai

The photo above shows some graffiti that is commonly found around Israel but perhaps the addition (in red) below is uniquely Tel Aviv. The blue star of David and the Hebrew script proudly say, "The People of Israel (i.e. the Jewish People) Live!!!"

Underneath, another Tel Aviv graffiti artists adds his or her opinion to this comment. When in Tel Aviv, I saw the Am Yisrael Chai graffiti painted all over. I haven't seen it as often here in Jerusalem.