Saturday, July 01, 2006

What Happened to Sunday?

The biggest shock facing me is the shift of the school week to Sunday through Thursday. Tomorrow, Sunday, is our first day of classes. I'm so used to preparing for Shabbat after work on Friday, having Shabbat on Saturday, and then Sunday as a day to do whatever errands or work was necessary to prepare for Monday.

However, now, we'll have to plan ahead a lot more to get everything done on Friday (and remember, the stores are packed on Friday with people getting ready for Shabbat!) to be ready for Sunday, because even after Shabbat ends on Saturday night, the stores remain closed. This means we had to be prepared with whatever we wanted for our school lunch on Sunday by Friday. It's going to take some change in our weekly philosophy and cycle to get used to weekends on Friday and Saturday.

As they must say in Israel, TGIT (Thank G-d It's Thursday)!


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