Monday, July 17, 2006

Do You Have a Gun?

There are always two armed security guards at the front door of the Supersol grocery store right across the street from our school. They've gotten to know us and they quickly scan us with their handheld metal detector and let us in.

Now that Jerusalem is on the equivalent of Orange Alert, there's additional security at stores, restaurants, etc. Today, when we went to the store for our morning snack during our break in Hebrew class, the senior guard (OK, I call him the senior guard because he works the longest hours and he wears mirrored sunglasses so he just looks more involved to me) asked me something in Hebrew that I didn't understand. Thus, I told him in Hebrew that I didn't understand (a very useful expression, I might add) and so he asked me, "Do you have a gun?"

I replied, "No, lo (Hebrew for no), no gun!" and he nodded and let me pass. He didn't ask Jen or Jean if they had guns. Maybe he thinks I need one?


Blogger Jean said...

Damn straight! Time to get Israeli and get a gun!

(Next you'll be wondering why there are fireworks on your ice cream...)


5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, no. "Yesh lecha/lach neshek?" (Do you have a weapon?) is a standard security question--security ask it all the time, even when things are pretty peaceful. Assuming it's true, the answer is, and should always be NO if you actually want to get where you're going.

This isn't America. You can't just buy a gun at Wal-Mart.

3:54 PM  

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